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The Pivotal Role of Peptides in Skincare Manufacturing Today 

J Sikora, G.S. Cosmeceutical USA, Inc.

Every decade has its particular “star technologies”; historic breakthroughs that can be credited for fueling the growth and advancement of our beloved and ever-evolving skincare industry. In the eighties, we heralded the birth of AHA’s to accelerate our collective, ever-slowing, cell renewal process. The popularity of fruity acids resounded globally, as skincare obsessive’s around the globe eagerly celebrated the arrival of younger, fresher-looking skin. In the nineties, industry enthusiasts coveted new, super-potent wrinkle-fighting ingredients which sourced a fresh breed of mega anti-oxidants, including Co-Q10 and Idebenone, a highly efficacious, skin regenerative, free radical warrior.

Alpha Hydroxy based products, popular in the eighties and nineties, remain very popular today.
Alpha Hydroxy based products, popular in the eighties and nineties, remain very popular today.

 By the late nineties and into the new millennium, our industry began to re-focus its attention and resources on two highly diverse fronts, one natural…the other synthetic. On the natural end of things, cosmetic formulators began touting the amazing preventative and restorative powers of mega-potent food and berry extracts: including Polyphenols (Resveratrol), Pomegranate Extract, Acai Berry, Blueberries and Mangosteen.

Resveratrol has proven to be one of the most highly sought after natural anti-oxidants in formulations today.

Resveratrol has proven to be one of the most highly sought after natural anti-oxidants in formulations today.

Simultaneously, cosmetic chemists positioned at the other end of the spectrum were busy raising venture capital to fuel a new promising synthetic category of anti-aging technologies known as “Peptides”. The Peptide Revolution, as many choose to call it, was officially ‘on’ from that day forward, generating billions of dollars in new growth and investment capital for cosmetic manufacturers, brand houses and ultimately, skincare influencers and trend-setters around the world. 

The broad endorsement of Peptide Technology has been striking. It is not simply cosmetic researchers, formulators and beauty editors who have become modern evangelists for Peptides, it is Dermatologists as well.

Peptides are lab engineered, bio-available, amino acid chains that direct the skin to take action!

Peptides are lab engineered, bio-available, amino acid chains that direct the skin to take action!

Indeed, a recent article in CosmeticDesign.com confirms that these trained physicians…“see the potential for bioactive peptide ingredients in cosmetics as ‘immense’ due to their (Peptides) highly targeted and flexible nature”.1 

 So, what are peptides exactly… and, why have so many new breakthrough products released over the past decade been formulated and manufactured to showcase these sophisticated anti-aging chemicals?  

 According to a study led by the Kline Group, a leading beauty industry research firm; “Peptides are anti-aging focused chemicals, synthetics, which claim to bring pharmaceutical strength technology to non-prescription products.” “In essence, they are pharma grade anti-aging ingredients packed into 2 The Kline Group believes “that the global anti-aging phenomenon has been the key driving force behind the enormous growth in the skin care segment in recent years, which in turn has led to the development of a plethora of innovative chemicals, including a virtual smorgasbord of Peptides for skincare innovators to choose from”.3

The anti-aging trend was the catalyst for the development of Peptides; sophisticated chemicals offering targeted anti-aging solutions.

The anti-aging trend was the catalyst for the development of Peptides; sophisticated chemicals offering targeted anti-aging solutions.

 Others define Peptides in much more simplistic ways. Peptides function as messengers in the skin, allowing the epidermis and dermis to communicate more efficiently. This is important, because one of the key effects of aging is reduced communication within the skin, resulting in decreased collagen production and an aggregation of degraded elastin fibers. Decreased collagen production (less supportive, firming fibers), coupled with degraded elastin (diminished skin elasticity and flexibility) combine exponentially to produce classic visible signs of aging;  including thinner skin, fine and deep wrinkles, sagging and flaccidity and overall loss of skin ‘tone’.

Classic signs of both intrinsic and photo-aging: loss of firmness, wrinkles and sagging.

Classic signs of both intrinsic and photo-aging: loss of firmness, wrinkles and sagging.

So, how do peptides work to correct these aging symptoms? There are twenty different amino acids in the human body and these acids can form in a variety of different combinations and sequences (just like the letters in words and sentences). When a chain of amino acids is over fifty acids long, it is normally called a protein, however when a chain contains less than 50 amino acids, it is considered a peptide. So, a peptide is really a ‘portion’, or a ‘building block’ of a protein. An abbreviated protein of sorts!

The great news is that these ‘mini or abbreviated proteins’ (Peptides) can be created in lab to be highly active, influential molecules, which can direct the cells in our body to take specific actions. While there are many different types of peptides, those that are used in skincare are synthetically engineered to enter the cells of the skin and remain intact. Once in the skin, they are able to communicate and direct the skin cells to behave in a certain way. For example, they can direct the cells to produce new healthy collagen and/or elastin fibers…causing the epidermis to appear thicker, smoother and younger! This helps to explain why Peptide Technology is ultra desirable and can command significantly higher prices, when embedded into your standard anti-aging formulations.

Current research indicates that the popularity of Peptides is due in part, to

Matrixyl, a favorite of anti-aging chemists, shows statistically significant reduction in 'wrinkle depth'.

Matrixyl, a favorite of anti-aging chemists, shows statistically significant reduction in 'wrinkle depth'.

the fact that these molecules can be “tinkered with” or “customized” fairly easily.  For example, there are several Peptides out there that have been designed to ‘tell’ the skin to produce more collagen and hyaluronic acid. The most famous of the anti-aging Peptides is one with an INCI name of Palmitoyl Pentapeptide; but commonly known as Matrixyl. Originally developed for use on stretch marks, Matrixyl has also been used to promote more rapid healing of skin wounds. Manufacturers of formulas containing this Peptide claim statistically significant improvements in the reduction of deep wrinkles and the disappearance of small and fine wrinkles.

Then there are the peptides which are positioned as topical alternatives to Botox™. Consider Acetyl Hexapeptide (INCI), which many know as Argireline. By claiming to relax certain types of facial wrinkles by blocking the release of neurotransmitters, this trendy anti-aging Peptide has spearheaded the development of an entirely new category of Peptides

Neuro-Peptides: a network of amino acids.

Neuro-Peptides: a network of amino acids.

known as “Neuropeptides”. A clinical study published in the  International Journal of Cosmetic Science reported that when used at a 10% concentration level, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 actually reduced wrinkle depth by up to 30 percent—after 30 days of continuous use. And to top that off, there is clinical evidence that this small Peptide may even deter wrinkles from forming in the first place!  Imagine that! While not Botox™ by any stretch of the imagination, one must admit that this designer chemical can be viewed as a formidable opponent to our most obvious sign of aging: The Wrinkle!

But, let’s not stop there… Excited chemists decided to offer Argireline a synergistic soul mate (of sorts) to partner with on tough anti-aging jobs.

Aging can be beautiful, thanks to Peptide Technology!

Aging can be beautiful, thanks to Peptide Technology!

Hence, the birth of Leuphasyl®, or Pentapeptide-3 (INCI). Working hand-in-peptide with Argireline, the two custom chemicals collaborate perfectly to reduce the depth of wrinkles on the face, especially in the forehead area and around the eyes, where we need it the most.

Speaking of necessity… collective need and strong global market demand remain the mothers of invention for the skincare industry. Concerns by millions of image conscious Baby Boomers and Post-Boomers, (as well as a solid segment of Generation X’ers seeking precautionary anti-aging treatments) led Cosmetic Researchers to design yet another highly specialized peptide known as Hexapeptide-10 (INCI). This breakthrough Peptide was engineered to improve cell adhesion and as a result, reduce the loss of skin firmness (sagging). Also known as ‘Serilesine’ this Peptide multi-tasks effectively, to concurrently reduce dryness and yellowing of skin tone.

Industry insiders predict that a virtual parade of these lab-engineered genies will continue to inspire for years to come.

Industry insiders predict that a virtual parade of these lab-engineered genies will continue to inspire for years to come.

Peptide research is advancing at breathtaking speed. Few doubt that these highly specialized synthetic proteins will cease to be the ‘it factor’ of cosmetic compounding any time soon. Industry insiders predict that a virtual parade of these lab-engineered genies will continue to inspire, enrich an influence the thinking and methodologies of skincare manufacturers for decades to come. 

 Consider the possibilities… While today, cutting-edge, anti-wrinkle Peptides like (Syn®-Ake) are lab-engineered to mimic the effects of Viper Snakes… the Peptides of the future could have even broader and considerably more inventive applications.

Imagine injectable Peptides, that would encourage your skin to generate needed fat.

Imagine injectable Peptides, that would encourage your skin to generate needed fat.

In fact, researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are currently in the early stages of work on a new Peptide-based technology to replace dermal filler injections and cosmetic surgery procedures. They believe that an injectable peptide could be created to induce growth of fat under the skin. This would allow us to literally plump-up our own aging skin with the body’s own fat, indigenous to the skin itself!4  


And what, you may ask; does the scientific community really think about this explosive technology that has gracefully commandeered centre stage over the past decade?

At G.S. Cosmeceutical, a San Francisco Bay Area custom-contract- manufacturer of skincare and other cosmeceutical products, Owner and Chief Science Officer Gogi Sangha weighs in on the subject, pondering the timeless connection and inherent synergism between beauty and science, stating:

Gogi Sangha is the Founder, CEO and CSO of G.S. Cosmeceutical in Livermore, California.

Gogi Sangha is the Founder, CEO and CSO of G.S. Cosmeceutical in Livermore, California.

“We live in a world where physical appearance matters. From the onset of history, humans have used natural materials to maintain their looks. Now, in modern times, we have turned to science to help us appear beautiful. Science has helped us to understand the skin, its functions and its chemistry. Now, we are using that same science to create specific molecules which, in turn, will help us achieve well defined beauty goals. Peptide technology is an example of a highly targeted science, one in which we use carefully selected molecules to perform very specialized functions, to impact our external beauty. In the near future, we can expect to see truly significant breakthrough’s in the areas of science and beauty, as a result of Peptide technology.”  
G. S. Cosmeceutical USA, INC. is known for offering it's clients customized Peptide formulations.

G. S. Cosmeceutical USA, INC. is known for offering it's clients customized Peptide formulations.

As we advance toward the next decade of the new millennium, I can’t help but wonder… If history holds true, there will be a new breed of skincare advancements and superstar technologies over the next ten years. Are we due to enter the new decade in 2010 with a yet-to-be-discovered innovation taking ‘the cameo’ or will we simply be mesmerized by the release of more exotic Peptide molecules, offering even more amazing claims? No one really knows. But there is one undeniable truth that we can all agree upon. What was once the “Pepsi Generation”, has now become the “Peptide Generation”. And the world is surely a more beautiful place for it, after all.
G.S.Cosmeceutical: "Science of Beauty...Naturally."

G.S.Cosmeceutical: "Science of Beauty...Naturally."



  1. CosmeticDesign.com: Katie Bird, March 24, 2009 Issue
  2. CosmeticDesign.com; Simon Pittman, June 17, 2009 Issue
  3. CosmeticDesign.com; Simon Pittman, June 17, 2009 Issue
  4. CosmeticDesign.com; Katie Bird, March 4, 2009 Issue



By J Sikora

VP of Global Sales and Marketing, G.S. Cosmeceutical USA, Inc.

Can you recall that simple catch phrase…the one about “working smarter, not harder”?While you may not have heard this folksy truism much during Med School, your MBA program or your tenure at the Esthetics’s Academy, this phrase has taken on new meaning for many financially savvy health care professionals, spa owners and aesthetic service providers, eager to become cash positive in today’s recessed economic environment of managed health care and third-party reimbursement. 

In fact, astute Physicians, Spa Owners and Estheticians have discovered a way to work smarter and grow faster, by dispensing their own proprietary cosmeceuticals and OTC products, on-site.

Statistics indicate that the availability of high-end, nicely packaged cosmeceuticals complementing aesthetic or dermatologic treatments offered at a spa or medical facility can produce significant increases in profits, as well as unexpected boost to the business’s financial immune system.

Extend your professional services and profits by sending your patients home with custom formulated skincare products.

Extend your professional services and profits by sending your patients home with custom formulated skincare products.

And, if these upscale skincare products are priced correctly, marketed aggressively, explained clearly and recommended consistently by you and your staff, they may truly prove to be the real ‘pot of gold’ at the end of the rainbow! Indeed, the magnetic allure of a well-branded skincare (or OTC product line) that is known to have been conceived and developed by you, can be capable of attracting a considerable amount of new foot traffic, successful in providing those already loyal to you a compelling reason to return more often…. and highly persuasive in providing a reason for your fans to spend more (than before) during each visit.


iStock_currency Small[1]Now if you are an intuitive retailer at heart, you’ll appreciate the enormous value of head count acquisition, average ticket size and frequency of return-rate. And…let’s not allow semantics to get in the way. Whether you call the object-of-your-care a “patient”, “client”, “guest” or “customer”, you know that the key to your medical practice or spa remaining financially healthy is based on your ability to attract new folks and retain the fans you have in your client base.. By offering your very own line of products… exclusive, elegant, innovative, efficacious products… you’ll do just that! In fact, the benefits and financial rewards that your own exclusive product line can provide will grow exponentially over time! Once you and your staff become true believers and product evangelists… you’ll experience incremental revenue streams and profits that were once unimaginable. And remember, the best part of this whole scenario is that “retail is, and always will be, a cash-based business!”  iStock_money sign


In fact, tens of thousands of  medical and aesthetic professionals understand the economic potential that comes with the sales and distribution of products on-site, on-line or through third party distribution channels, and have already gone about setting up their own thriving skin care, baby care, hair care or pet care businesses. Some have turned to Private Label Manufacturers to provide them with stock (in-house) formulations and packaging, in an effort to save on time, as well as formulation, packaging and manufacturing costs.

 But for just a bit more of an investment in time, money and effort, you can have your products made and formulated from scratch, to meet your own exact standards, preferences and expectations. Perhaps that is why more physicians and skincare entrepreneurs are now hiring “custom” contract manufacturers to develop truly unique and proprietary products for them. One such custom, contract manufacturer is G.S. Cosmeceutical USA, Inc., a moderately-sized, FDA-certified GMP Manufacturer of cosmeceuticals and OTC’s (Over-The-Counter Drug Products) which was founded by Organic Chemist and Cosmetic Researcher, Gogi Sangha.

Gogi Sangha, CEO and Owner of G. S. Cosmeceutical USA, Inc.

Gogi Sangha, CEO and Owner of G. S. Cosmeceutical USA, Inc.

“GSC” is known for providing Dermatologists, Physicians, Estheticians, Cosmetic Entrepreneurs and Spa Proprietors a means by which to manifest their skin care and sun care dreams.

G.S. Cosmeceutical Headquarters in Livermore, California

G.S. Cosmeceutical Headquarters in Livermore, California

Located in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, the GSC Formulation Team begins each project, (figuratively) with a clean slate. They first seek to understand the client’s specific and unique product vision. With the end in mind, the team then cooks up a recipe of carefully selected raw materials, merged with innovative technologies and precisely chosen botanicals and actives, to meet the client’s proprietary specs. The results deliver one-of-a-kind custom skin care,  sun care, hair care or baby care formulas which are fresh and utterly distinct. GSCOS lab image

 Which takes us back full circle to that simple, but brilliant concept that we started with: “Working Smarter, Not Harder” in an effort to forge ahead financially now and in years to come. But, “working smarter” is a strategy that will require hard work! It will demand that you have the mental fortitude, strength, courage and willingness to take new steps and engage in actions that will move you off of the proverbial practice plateau or out from under the business depression/regression mind-set, into a stage of innovation. You’ll need to try something new, in order to garner new results. So, what are you waiting for? Join the gold rush; infuse cash back into your spa business or practice by giving your “fans” the products they are already clamoring for. For, if not YOU, then WHO will give them what they really want? 

Hit your revenue goals by dispensing your own custom line of skincare, OTC's, or spa products at your business or practice!

Hit your revenue goals by dispensing your own custom line of skincare, OTC's, or spa products at your business or practice!

G.S. COSMECEUTICAL Celebrates Past, Forecasts Future Growth!

Livermore, CA (PRWEB) May 8, 2009 — G.S. COSMECEUTICAL USA, Inc. held a festive ‘Cinco de Mayo’ anniversary luncheon, marking the Livermore, California based contract manufacturer’s eleventh year in business.

 We’re gaining the opportunity to work with a variety of clients that surpasses anything we’ve seen to date.

At the celebratory gathering attended by all company employees, CEO and Founder Gogi Sangha reflected on the company’s consistent twenty-plus percent growth rate since it’s founding in 1998. “We are especially proud of the high level of customer loyalty we have earned over the years,” cited Sangha, who added: “Ninety-five percent of G.S. COSMECEUTICAL’s existing customers continue to place on-going orders with the company, indicating that we are doing many things right to consistently please and delight our customers.” GSC_Etched Pillar


Recently, G.S. COSMECEUTICAL  launched a company-wide expansion program designed to heighten the company’s profile, increase market-share, strengthen client services and enhance cGMP quality processes and systems. GSC_Building Sign #3While industry competitors have been reducing their spend on new projects and investments, G.S. COSMECEUTICAL has taken an aggressive stand directed at growth and solidification of the company’s niche in the personal care contract manufacturing market. Over the past five months, the company has strategically increased headcount with the addition of four new, key staff positions, including V.P. of Global Sales and Marketing and Product Development Manager.

In addition, GSC”s executive team made a tactical decision to expand the company’s reach both nationally and abroad, through an enhanced web presence and targeted, multi-dimensional marketing campaigns. Investments have also been made in new capital equipment to streamline quality processes and enhance production line efficiencies.

As “GSC” celebrates the dawn of twelve years in operation, CEO Gogi Sangha claims that the company is already seeing the results of their spring 2009 “expansion initiative”. “We are attracting more customers than ever before, as well as a broader range of prospects.” “From Aesthetic Physicians, Pediatricians and Dermatologists…to large Pharma Companies and national cosmetic brands” says Gogi Sangha, “we’re gaining the opportunity to work with a variety of clients that surpasses anything we’ve seen to date.” Finally, Sangha proudly points out that the company has also managed to attract “hip, young entrepreneurs” with dreams of brand ownership.” “There is absolutely no doubt that we are winning the hearts and minds of a broader audience …and that’s truly something to celebrate about!”

Sun, Light and Melanoma

Sun, Light and Melanoma

iStock_hand blocking sun Small[1]

How Technology is Gaining Ground against Skin Cancer

(By Judith Sikora, Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing, G.S. COSMECEUTICAL USA, Inc.)

Years ago M.A.D.D. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) made a significant impact in educating the public against the dangers of drunk driving. This merry month of May we’re reminded of yet another potentially tragic health menace warranting an equally fierce battle on its behalf. Amazingly, after decades of safe sun education and ominous Skin Cancer warnings by media, government, the Skin Cancer Foundation and American Medical Association, “Melanoma” still remains the most deadly of all Skin Cancers. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation website today, one out of five of us can expect to develop Skin Cancer in our lifetime! And, more than twenty Americans currently die on a daily basis from Skin Cancer; the majority of which are still diagnosed as Melanoma. In fact, one person continues to die from Melanoma almost every hour (or every 62 minutes, to be exact!). And women of America, stand up and take note…statistics document that the female gender (aged 39 and under) has a higher probability of developing Melanoma than any other cancer except breast cancer. Now that’s a small factoid with a big message. Wouldn’t you agree?

The truth is, I’ve been acutely aware of the dangers of UV light exposure; burning, pre-mature aging, DNA damage and Skin Cancer, for many decades. In fact, for fifteen years I spoke to thousands of retail Beauty Consultants weekly, preaching the gospel of sun protection and tanning abstinence, as aiStock_woman laying in sun Small[1] Director of Education for a number of cosmetic companies. But, this year seemed different. This year the subject felt more threatening…more dangerous…more likely to affect those that I loved and cared about, in a very real way.

As soon as the month of May rolled around (Coined “Melanoma Month” by the Skin Cancer Foundation), I began feeling an intense need to investigate the status of the war against this long-time opponent. What had we, (“MOBI”— Members of the Beauty Industry) — the undisputed best advocates in the fight against this disease— been doing in recent years to wage war on this serious and life-threatening adversary?

Okay, I’ll admit that perhaps my earnest quest had a tiny bit to do with the fact that I recently accepted a position with a leading Contract Cosmeceutical Manufacturer (G.S. COSMECEUTICAL USA, Inc.); a GMP facility known for it’s ability to formulate and manufacture a stunning array of custom cosmeceuticals and OTC’s, including Sun-Care and SPF-Based Products. Add to this, the fact that I am a very curious individual by nature, and you get the picture. I simply needed to know what top OTC Manufacturers (like “GSC”) had been working on recently, to advance the cause against this vile health threat. I began researching the subject by iStock_tanning on beach Small[1]speaking with my super-talented team of GSC colleagues and formulators, who have successfully formulated and manufactured a number of ground-breaking SPF technologies available on the market today. My goal was to learn about specific gains in the technology war being waged against UV light damage and associated Skin Cancer risks. Here is what I learned:

According to GSC’s Product and Process Manager, Irvaz Husic, sunscreen formulas and ingredients have been evolving and advancing, qualitatively and quantitatively, literally at the speed of light. “Interestingly,” Irvaz points out, “the biggest changes have to do with the shift from chemical-based to natural-based screens”. Traditional, irritating, greasy and often tacky-feeling chemical-based formulas (formulated with ingredients meant to absorb harmful UV rays) have given way to newer, smoother, micro-pulverized natural screens made with Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide (meant to reflect and iStock_sun Small[1]refract damaging UV light away from the skin). What a relief, because the older chemical-based sunscreen formulas had become saddled with so much cynicism that it was difficult to separate their truly positive attributes from the negative allegations out there. These included accusations that the chemical screens contained carcinogenic raw materials, demonstrated photo-instability… and had a tendency to “over-heat” the skin. Conversely, the new natural, micronized oxides received adoration and praise, and the highest of marks regarding their efficacy, photo-stability and perceived “cooling” effect on the skin. In fact, highly experienced cosmetic scientists, including my company’s CEO and Founder, Gogi Sangha, all rave about the “dispersion factor” that makes these new micronized oxides so attractive to use in SPF formulations. According to Gogi, new cosmetic emulsions which incorporate dispersed Titanium and Zinc Oxides result in better blended SPF formulations, capable of providing heightened levels of UV light protection. SCORE ONE against the ravages of Skin Cancer!

And today, no one is considered too young to benefit from protection against this serious threat to our well-being and health. As a result, my GSC Team is working on behalf of vigilant Pediatricians, Physicians, Veterinarians and Skin-Care Houses to develop sun care for babies, pets and even infants! By formulating with natural sunscreen ingredients… iStock_baby on beach Small[1]natural/organic or food-grade preservatives, gentle botanical extracts and state-of-the-art anti-oxidants, viable formulations are developed that allow us to protect our most cherished and vulnerable little ones. An extraordinarily important mission according to the American Cancer Society, given that three or more blistering sunburns during childhood can increase the risk of developing Melanoma. SCORE TWO against Melanoma!

Then there’s the dreaded melanoma “vacation syndrome” to consider. According to a study by the Journal of Investigative Dermatology referenced on the Skin Cancer Foundation’s website: “Caucasian English Women who vacation in hot countries have seventy-four percent more moles than those who have never vacationed in tropical climates.” Dr. Perry Robins, President of the Skin Cancer Foundation summarizes the vacation threat with this simple statement, saying: “This study supports the hypothesis that intense, intermittent sun exposure plays an important role in the development of Melanoma.”

So, what’s a health-minded girl or guy to do in 2009, if they really, really need a vacation and “the islands” are their favorite R&R destination? Well, first, make certain you are taking a broad-spectrum sun-screen with you; iStock chairs on beach Small[1]one that will actually protect from both UVA and UVB rays. SPF monograph testing in the lab results in a rating for UVB level protection only, and as a result, is the SPF reflected often on product labels. However, some concerned OTC manufacturers make a point to list UVA protection on their labels. Thankfully, the FDA is currently working on new sun care packaging regulations that will help make SPF labeling easier to understand and much more transparent! Score three against our deadly foe!

Next, re-application and usage compliance are both still very important factors, but are no longer quite as big a threat to our UV protection levels, thanks to the latest technological advances in SPF research and development. Medical experts remind us to reapply a sunscreen every two hours, or after periods of swimming or profuse sweating (exercise). iStock_woman sunbathing in water small[1]However, the big advantage to the newest high-tech, mineral-based SPF formulas is that they tend to be more naturally resistant to water and perspiration. Add to that the ability of sophisticated OTC manufacturers like G.S. COSMECEUTICAL USA, Inc., to develop technologies which can significantly extend the stability of key sun protection ingredients in an SPF formula! So, while safety and protection continue to be our front and center concerns; the failure to re-apply issue has become a bit less worrisome for those of us concerned about sabotaging our own best efforts. Score four against the big “M”.

Speaking of putting our best feet forward in the fight against Melanoma… one of the final frontiers that we have yet to conquer seems to be the human mind. It makes sense that our subconscious beliefs about tanning and the dangers related to UV light exposure, will certainly dictate the scope of our actions and efforts to protect ourselves from Skin Cancer. Gogi Gogi's pic 0130783-R01-014Sangha, our Chief Scientific Officer and long-time Master Formulator, suggests a simple paradigm shift for sunscreen. “We have become much more astute about the role that environment plays in our overall health”. “We have developed good eating habits; working hard to include the four food groups into our daily diets.” “So”, asks Gogi, “why not take it to the next step by focusing on five daily food groups, making sunscreen the fifth dietary component for your skin?”

Gogi makes a great point. All it would take to get it done would be a little change in the way we think about our daily dietary rituals. Score five against this dreaded disease!

As May moves along toward June and my investigative project draws to a close, I can see that there is no doubt we are gaining ground in the war against UV light, Melanoma and other Skin Cancers. Clearly, technology is marching forward; at times in giant leaps, at others… in baby steps. I am iStock_two toned tan face Small[1]heartened by what I’ve learned, and have no doubts that as our best scientific minds find ways to conquer space and energy; they will also succeed in ultimately eradicating melanoma. I’m also incredibly proud to see just how far we (as an industry) have come in providing the public with sun protection solutions that really work. And yes, my GSC colleagues in their white lab coats have earned a new level of respect and admiration from me, for the many ways in which they work to advance the cause of sun protection and human longevity, one great sunscreen product at a time.